AZ-900 Free Exam Voucher | Azure Fundamentals Free Certification

How to Get a Free Voucher for AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Certification in 2024

AZ-900 Free Exam Voucher for Azure Fundamentals Exam by Microsoft

If you’re looking to obtain the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification without spending any money, there are several strategies and resources you can leverage. In this article, we will outline various methods that can help you secure a free voucher for the AZ-900 exam in 2024. By following these steps, you can enhance your chances of obtaining the certification at no cost.

  1. Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals:

    Microsoft offers virtual training sessions for Azure fundamentals, where attendees have the opportunity to receive a free AZ-900 certification voucher. These training sessions typically last between 2 to 2.5 hours and are held on specific days. To benefit from the voucher, ensure that you use the same email ID for both the training registration and exam scheduling. You can find more information and register for the training on the official Microsoft website.

  2. Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge:

    Participating in the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge, which usually takes place after the Ignite conference in the spring, can also provide you with a chance to earn a free certification voucher. By completing a series of challenges, you become eligible to receive the voucher. Stay updated on Microsoft’s official announcements and register for the challenge when it becomes available.

  3. Cloud Ready Challenge:

    Cloud Ready, a Microsoft partner, periodically offers free certifications, including the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification, particularly targeting students. The timeline for this challenge may vary, so you can enroll at any time. Register on the Cloud Ready website and create your Microsoft Learn account to claim a free certification code.

  4. Microsoft Azure Webinars for Students:

    Microsoft conducts live training webinars specifically designed for students preparing for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification. These webinars are free and cover various topics relevant to the exam. Check the Microsoft website or official student channels for information on upcoming webinars and their schedules.

  5. Social Media and Online Communities:

    Stay active on social media platforms and online communities to stay informed about updates and opportunities to obtain free exam vouchers. Follow relevant accounts, such as Azure Chad on Twitter, as they occasionally share instructions for acquiring free exam vouchers. Engage with the community and keep an eye out for any announcements or promotions.


To secure a Free voucher for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Certification in 2024, take advantage of resources like Microsoft’s virtual training sessions, Cloud Skills Challenge, Cloud Ready Challenge, and Azure webinars for students. Additionally, stay connected with social media platforms and online communities for potential opportunities. Remember to thoroughly prepare for the exam by utilizing free resources such as Microsoft Learn, online courses, and practice exams. By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of obtaining the AZ-900 certification without any financial burden.

Method Description Steps
Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamental Microsoft provides virtual training for Azure fundamentals, and attendees can get a free AZ-900 certification voucher. Register for the training, join the sessions, and after completing the training, you’ll be eligible to take the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam at no cost.
Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge Skills Challenge Register for the skills challenge, which typically happens during spring after the Ignite conference. Complete a few challenges to avail your certification voucher.
Cloud Ready Challenge Microsoft has partnered with Cloud Ready to offer free certifications, particularly for students. Register and create your Microsoft Learn account to claim a free certification code.
Microsoft Azure Webinars for Students Azure Fundamentals live training webinars for students to help them prepare for the certification exams. Attend the webinars which are free and are available at varied dates and times.
Social Media and Online Communities Keep an eye on social media platforms and online communities for updates and opportunities to get free exam vouchers. Follow relevant accounts and communities for updates.

AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Exam Voucher FAQs

How can I get a free voucher for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification in 2023?

To obtain a free voucher for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification in 2023, you can attend the Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals, participate in the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge, enroll in the Cloud Ready Challenge, or join Microsoft Azure Webinars for Students. Stay updated on social media and online communities for opportunities to acquire free exam vouchers.

What is the Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals?

The Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Fundamentals is a virtual training program offered by Microsoft. By attending this program, you can receive a free voucher for the AZ-900 certification. The training sessions are typically held on specific days and last around 2 to 2.5 hours.

What is the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge?

The Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge is an event that usually takes place after the Ignite conference during the spring season. By completing various challenges, you can earn a certification voucher.

What is the Cloud Ready Challenge?

The Cloud Ready Challenge is a program in partnership with Microsoft and Cloud Ready, designed to provide free, particularly for students. This challenge does not have a specific timeline, allowing you to enroll at any time.

How can I redeem my voucher or discount code?

To redeem your voucher or discount code, simply follow the exam registration process on the Pearson VUE website.

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